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Server and agent settings

Restrict IP range


Restrict IP range

Restrict IP range

You can restrict an account’s SafeNet Trusted Access (STA) logins to a specific IP range. This is different from the Network condition

  1. On the STA Token Management console, select the Policy tab, select Role Management > Allowed Management IP Range.


  2. To add a range in which the account’s STA logon is allowed, click Add.


  3. Enter the IP range details:

    • Name—This is a friendly name for this range.

    • Start IP—This is the beginning of the IP address range to be enabled or disabled.

    • End IP—This is the end of the IP address range to be enabled or disabled.

  4. Under Add IP Range, select Add.

  5. From the Enable Allowed Management IP Range options, select Enable to allow logins from within the IP range.

    • To disable logon from within the IP range, select Disable.
  6. Select Apply.